How to Make a Custom Color


Do you want your own custom color(s), but don’t want to pay for a formulation fee? No problem, you can mix colors within the same Series. You can mix H Series with H Series to create your own custom color. This is also true with mixing C Series with other C Series colors, Elite with Elite, etc.. NOTE: DO NOT MIX DIFFERENT SERIES OF CERAKOTE TOGETHER! i.e. C Series with H Series.

How to Mix a New Color:

1. Properly agitate the bottles of Cerakote colors that you wish to custom mix (recommended 5-10 minutes).

2. Pour the Cerakote colors into a glass graduated cylinder staying within the parameters of desired mixing ratio (staying within ratio parameters is only required for H-Series or E-Series two part system).

Example One Part liquid volume at 18:1 Mixing Ratio

Color A. 15 mL

Color B. 3 mL


Custom color 18 mL + Catalyst 1 mL = 18:1 mixing ratio

H Series

  • Be sure to add the correct amount of Catalyst for ratio being used.
  • Agitate the custom mix for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Strain coating into the spray gun using appropriate strainer for coating being used (strainer size labeled on Cerakote bottle).
  • If the color is not achieved with initial mixes, you will have to repeat the example listed above in increments of 18:1 while adjusting Color A. and Color B. amounts until desired color has been reached.
  • C Series

    • Agitate custom mix for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
    • Strain coating into the spay gun using appropriate strainer for coating being used (strainer size labeled on Cerakote bottle).

    NOTE: We strongly suggest you keep track of the mix ratios for the colors you create. This will enable you to replicate the color for future purposes. Be sure to check out our Mixology page for custom color mix “recipes”. We’d love to add your new color to it as well. Send us your recipe with a good quality photo of it applied to your project, name it and we will consider adding it to our collection!